We are a non-profit dedicated to ensuring the education, health and safety of at-risk women and children in the developing world.

“Empowerment is the heart of sustainable change."

Lotus Outreach Society Canada empowers women and children
who are living in poverty through access to education, training, and care.


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At Lotus Outreach, our mission is to empower the most at-risk women and children living in poverty. We work in six countries and address the multi-layered causes of poverty and vulnerability through education, training, and care projects that focus on the empowerment of women and girls. At the heart of our approach is a holistic solution:

Education and Training + Care = Empowerment.

With affiliates in seven countries, donors, ambassadors, artists, volunteers, and foundation, corporate, and NGO partners around the world, we are a global community that believes empowerment is the heart of sustainable change.


When LO founder, Khyentse Norbu, travelled to Cambodia for the first time, he visited a safe-house orphanage where he encountered a young girl who held his finger really tight and wouldn’t let him go. The way he put it,

“I had this really strong feeling, connection, so to speak. So I immediately asked the orphanage, I really want to support this girl, you know, all the way through her university and on. She was also a little bit blind. So, I have to really give credit to her strength to have Lotus Outreach here today. It is really because of her.”

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